Oct 2, 2021 | Pest Control, Stinging Insects
We all know that a hornet is not just a mascot for the professional basketball team. It is also a stinging member of the wasp family that you likely do not want infesting your Jacksonville yard. While they can provide a benefit to the environment, they can also be... read more
Oct 1, 2021 | Occasional Invaders, Pest Control
April is typically when our Northeast Florida pest control team starts receiving calls about large groups of little white or grey wingless insects. They jump as you walk through the yard or find their way into your swimming pools or homes. These tiny occasional pest... read more
Sep 1, 2021 | Pest Control, Stinging Insects
Stinging insects build their nests in walls, attics, and eaves of homes, and in shrubs, trees, and even in the ground. It takes very little disturbance to initiate an attack response! Simple things, like walking by or opening a door, can trigger these aggressive... read more