Tips To Prevent Mice In Jacksonville

Mice can be both cute and scary. If they are running on a little wheel inside a cage, they are adorable. If they are nibbling on a muffin on your counter at 2 AM they are terrifying. The question is, what makes pet mice better than pest mice? Here are some things you... read more
How Dangerous Are Flea Bites In Jacksonville?

How Dangerous Are Flea Bites In Jacksonville?

Fleas are high at the top of the list of pests that pet owners dread, and for good reason. Flea bites are extremely itchy and uncomfortable and can cause anything from anemia to life-threatening diseases, as several dangerous diseases can be transmitted by fleas. If... read more
How To Get Rid Of Spiders In Jacksonville

How To Get Rid Of Spiders In Jacksonville

Do you have pests that invade your home here in Jacksonville? If so, what types of pests are they? Ants? Cockroaches? Flies? What is interesting is that it doesn’t matter what pests are in your home. If there are pests at all, spiders will want to be inside to hunt... read more